
Actionable insights for the right people at the right time

Photo: Littal Shemer Haim ©       How would you define a professional expert in the field of data-driven HR? Certainly, there are many definitions to the People Analytics domain, that may include skills, practices, and responsibilities. However, today for a change, I’d like to suggest a different angle: a professional expert is someone you […]

Actionable insights for the right people at the right time Read More »

What secrets do organizational networks reveal?

Photo: Littal Shemer Haim ©     Organizational charts are everywhere, and we’ve all seen them. Within any organization, they show the hierarchical chain of command. This common visual representation of the organizational structure depicts departments or positions, illustrates relationships between them, and makes it clear and easy to understand how authority, responsibility, and information are

What secrets do organizational networks reveal? Read More »

Employee Engagement Survey: 3 essential processes that follow data collection

Photo: Littal Shemer Haim ©     Employee engagement is defined as an “emotional attachment” of employees to the company, and the efforts they are willing to offer as a result. Measuring employee engagement in a survey may determine how avid employees are, regarding their jobs and roles, how valued they feel at work, and how

Employee Engagement Survey: 3 essential processes that follow data collection Read More »

The Complexity of People Analytics Resolved: 5 Perspectives of Definition

Photo: Littal Shemer Haim ©     I’ve witnessed a lot of interest in the domain of People analytics this year, among HR and other C-level managers that I met in Tel Aviv. At some point of any networking conversation, I’ve always been asked to explain how different People analytics is, from the traditional Organizational Research

The Complexity of People Analytics Resolved: 5 Perspectives of Definition Read More »

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